
Tibetan Children's Village Alumni Association Inc (TCVAA INC-NY&NJ) is a registered non-profit charity organization incorporated in the USA. Our mission is to support the Tibetan Children's Village and its alumni by providing educational opportunities, scholarships, and essential resources for a brighter future.

1. Providing a forum for all members to share and celebrate common values , interests and experiences

2. Providing moral and social support to all members in times of need

3. Sponsoring educational and cultural programs and events for the promotion of people of Himalayan Region descent and

    students of the Tibetan Children's Villages.

4. Promoting leadership and organizational opportunities for members

5. Supporting educational programs that promotes values of compassion and loving -kindness for people of all background and heritage

To promote values of compassion and loving kindness reflected in the motto of TCV, "Others Before Self" by providing support for the upbringing of Tibetan children's instilled with these values.

Aims and Objectives

Mission and Vision

11th Board Members (Oct 2023 - Oct 2025)

3 members have chosen to remain anonymous

  • LosChoephel

    TCV Upper

  • Tsering Norbu

    TCV Bylakuppe

  • Tenzin Pelbar

    TCV Selakui

  • Tsamchoe Dolma

    TCV Upper

  • Phurbu Dorjee

    TCV Bylakuppe

  • Tenzin Kunphel

    TCV Bylakuppe

  • Tsering Youdon

    TCV Upper

  • Namgyal Choephel

    TCV Patlikhul

  • Gongyal

    TCV Suja

  • Tenzin Dolma Gyalpo

    TCV Selakui

  • Sonam Tsering

    TCV Suja

  • Gen Ralo

    TCV Ladhak