We are dedicated to supporting the projects initiated by the TCV head office in Dharamsala. Below is a comprehensive list of projects overseen by the head office, which cover all schools and training centers under TCV's umbrella.

We are currently prioritizing the Scholarship Fund for Higher Studies project, which constitutes the largest portion of TCV's expenses. At present, TCV provides support to nearly two thousand students pursuing higher education.

Tibetan Children’s Village, India

Scholarship funds for higher education

Right from the beginning, we have taken a parental responsibility for our children. Therefore, our support to the children does not end when a child leaves a village or school. Our purpose is to ensure that every child is able to stand on his/her own feet and contribute to the community when the times come. Given this purpose, we set up an Educational Reserve Fund in the early 70s to take care of the further education and training of our students when they leave school. Today, under this program, we have over 1800 students, who are attending different colleges and training institutes in India, doing a range of career courses and training – given their ability and aptitude.  We spent an average of Rupees 50,000-60,000 for a student on our higher studies program annually.  With many students loosing their sponsors at this age, we find it very challenging to meet the high expenditure, the highest of all our running programs. 

As we reflect on the work of TCV, we are happy to see so many of our educated youths doing outstanding work within our exile community in various services – ranging from doctors, engineers, teachers, civil service to health workers, farmers, artisans etc. And of course, many of them have become responsible parents, capable of bringing up their own children as Tibetans and good human beings.  We are proud to say that many have returned to work in TCVs, about 60%.

School improvments

Over the years, we have made tremendous inroads in various aspects of our work:  improving our educational facilities; enriching the curriculum and after-school hour programs and projects; ensuring that our all our teachers are properly qualified and committed to our work; and creating processes and structures to ensure smooth functioning of our schools through communication and coordination from the Head Office.

With all the success which TCV schools doubtless have achieved, it is yet necessary to make sure that all our schools respond to the present requirements of our community in exile, and go on developing new structures and processes to face the challenges of the future so that childcare and education – which is the focal point of our work – enhances with greater momentum and significance.

For quality education, there are many improvement works to be carried out in a phase-wise manner in our schools.  With over 55 years of existence, many of our old structures have now defaced and classroom furniture/equipment are out of repair situation which need replacement in due time.  To give a facelift and fresh learning environment, there is always need of assistance in maintaining the school buildings and replacing classroom facilities.  

Outreach program

Inspired by our motto: “Others Before Self” TCV has always reached where the need was greatest and helped our community in exile. This is amply manifested in our “Outreach Program”. We have established day-care centers in the settlements, started hostels where needed, helped the old and sick and provided support to children with parents in the form of stipends.

Though we receive many requests for admission of children into our villages and schools, we realize the pivotal importance of child-care and love that only parents can give. Therefore, it is crucial to support the parents of children by way of paying stipends to them and encouraging them to keep their children with them, until the child come of school going age (6 years). Today, under this program, we are assisting over 1000 children who live with their parents in the different settlements and Tibetan communities in India, Nepal and Bhutan. Just like all the children living in our various villages and schools, we need to look for sponsors to support these children as well.  A fair number of old and infirm people in the Jangthang areas of Ladakh come under this program. 

Education programs and publications

To achieve our mission, we endeavour to provide a holistic education - always mindful of each child's unique intelligence and personality. As our children come from varied backgrounds, the educational programs are designed to be accommodating, sound, flexible and dynamic - consistently seeking to address a wide range of challenges and needs. With the fast changing socio-economic conditions in exile and the risks of cultural assimilation, maintaining a high quality of education for Tibetan children has assumed a far greater significance and urgency in recent years. The Tibetan Children's Village Schools follows the 10 plus two system of education of the host country and affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE), New Delhi.

In 2008, TCV appointed some teachers to take the role of “Resource Teachers”, who would take rounds of all TCV schools at various intervals in a year and support the infant and primary teachers with pedagogy and teaching materials. There is one Resource Teacher each for English, Tibetan for the primary school teachers and 2 for Mathematics (primary and middle section).  Their job is to help and support the primary and middle school teachers by providing materials, sharing new methods and techniques for teaching and conducting workshops.

Then again in 2014, we appointed one teacher as the Curriculum and Teacher Development Officer. His main responsibilities include:

Nurturing professional learning communities amongst the teachers working in TCV schools that envision professional development as essentially school-based and long -term teacher collaborative efforts.
Reviewing curriculum and learning standards, especially at the Primary level
Strengthening Teaching-Learning of Social Studies by supporting teachers in terms of upgrading their pedagogical practices.

To support and further strengthen the work of this group of “Resource Teachers”, we have requirements to improvise teaching/learning in our schools. These equipment and materials will not only help them in making and developing the resource materials but also will help support their work.  From time to time, they work on publication of storybooks in Tibetan, handbooks for teachers, laminated scripts and charts, English literature textbooks etc.  

Special projects

Each school comes up with needs at random and with the sponsorship contribution, it is not possible to meet the costs of these unbudgeted projects.  Therefore, there is need for funds to these specific projects.  These projects are listed and prioritized as and when funding is secured.   We always have a long list of needs from our schools at random intervals.

Medical funds

With USD 40 as monthly sponsorship per child, it is often difficult for us to meet the medical needs of the children and staff in our care.  Therefore, the medical fund is created to generate donations to cover the high medical costs.

Emergency fund

In keeping with In keeping with our mission, while the primary focus of the TCV has always been the children, but through these 50 years, TCV had also walked that extra mile in helping our Tibetan community in times of hardship and urgency.


Head Office
Tibetan Children’s Village
Dharamsala Cantt. 176216
Distt. Kangra
H.P. India

August 24, 2016

Make a donation.

Change a child's life forever by sponsoring their education at TCV. Your generous support not only provides essential scholarships but also sustains our schools, offering Tibetan children the chance to thrive and build a brighter future filled with opportunity and hope.

Write a cheque

Tibetan Children’s Village alumni Association Inc

Account no: 881306901
Bank name: Chase Bank